Friday, March 21, 2008

Materials & Tools Needed:

Eraser or Eraser type vinyl material - I use Dollar Tree erasers, but they are hard to
find now. I also like the Speedball pink material and the PZKut Material as well as the
Mars Staedtler Grand Erasers (see suppliers listed on previous page)

Speedball Linocut handle with #1 V blade and #5 U blade
Exacto craft knife or Testors Hobby Knife (#11 blade)
Pure acetone (found in hardware stores)

Cotton balls
Good dry toner photocopies of various images to carve
#300 grit wet/dry sandpaper

Dye Ink Pad - I use black, but you may prefer a lighter color
Good light - a separate light right on your work surface is best
Magnifying glasses (if eyesight is bad like mine :-)
Thick book (used to raise work surface)
Scrap paper to do test printing on

1 comment:

Geri said...

Thanks for adding the carving tutorials to artsee bloggers!